Talk Title: Capillary electrophoresis and isotachophoresis applied for analysis and physico-chemical characterization of biopeptides.
Václav Kašička has received the degree RNDr. in physical chemistry at Charles University in Prague in 1979, and the PhD. degree in biochemistry at the Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences in Prague in 1985. At this Institute, he is the head of the Laboratory of Electromigration Methods ( since 1995. He is engaged in research and development of electroseparation methods and their application for analysis and characterization of (bio)molecules. He is author/co-author of 180 papers in impacted journals, 20 book chapters, and more than 150 lectures at the international symposia, with 4688/3693 citations with/without self-citations, h-index 38. He is the associated editor of the Journal of Separation Science and the journal Separation Science Plus, member of the editorial boards of several of international journals, e.g. Electrophoresis, Journal of Chromatography A, Current Analytical Chemistry, Current Chromatography, and Separations, and member of the permanent Scientific Committees of series of the International Symposia ITP YYYY, LACE YYYY and Chiranal YYYY. He is the chair of the Chromatography and Electrophoresis Group of the Czech Chemical Society, and he was the secretary of the Steering Committee of the European Society for Separation Science in 2014-2023.