Onur Parlak

Karolinska Institute, Solna, Swden

Talk Title: Epidermal Sensors for Medical Diagnostics

Onur Parlak is an Assistant Professor at Karolinska Institute in the Department of Medicine, Solna, and Karolinska University Hospital, Dermatology and Venereology Division. He earned his Ph.D. in Bioelectronics from Linköping University in 2015, followed by postdoctoral research at Stanford University, where he specialized in wearable bioelectronics. After spending three years at Stanford, he turned back to Sweden and joined the Karolinska Institute to translate his engineering skills into medical settings with the support of Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation starting grant in 2019. In 2021, he was awarded by Karolinska Institute and acting as a research group leader as a part of the Karolinska investment program to recruit and support leading young researchers with particularly outstanding scientific merits and future potential. He has recently awarded by European Innovation Council and Swedish Research Foundation starting grants in Medicine and Health focusing on diagnostics and therapeutic medical devices. His research group at Karolinska Institute and Centre for Molecular Medicine specializes in epidermal sensors and personalized diagnostics.