Talk Title: Modified CPE with -rGO@Me for water pollutants detection
Majlinda Vasjari is currently professor in Analytical Chemistry Group at Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tirana. She obtained a Ph.D. in Chemistry at University of Tirana (1997, Albania) and followed various postdoctoral researches supported by TEMPUS program, DAAD, Erasmus mundus, etc. She is/was coordinator of national and international EU projects (Erasmus+ Program, Twinning, Ceepus network, COST Action), as well as bilateral projects Albania-Italy, Albania-Turkey, etc. Her research interests include environmental studies and nanotechnology (designing sensitive and selective modified analytical sensors and biosensors using nanomaterials, biomolecules, plant tissue, etc). She has more than 70 published papers in peer review journals, 1 book chapter. Since 2020 she is Co-coordinator of the Albanian Unit of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (NANOBALKAN), next Academy of Science of Albania.