Talk Title: Electro-viscoelastic focusing – A new method for nanoparticle purification
Caglar Elbuken got his Bachelor degree from Bilkent University Electrical and Electronics Engineering and his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from University of Waterloo. Following a 2-year postdoc at Waterloo Microfluidics Laboratory, he joined to Abbott Point-of-care a senior scientist in the R&D department. He worked on point-of-care microfluidics, specifically the i-STAT portable diagnostic system. Then, he switched back to the dark side and worked at Koc University as Research Assistant Professor and moved to Bilkent University UNAM in 2012 as an Assistant Professor, where he also served as Institute Associate Director for 3 years.
In 2020, he moved to Oulu, Finland and is currently working jointly as a Professor at University of Oulu and as a Research Professor at VTT Finland. His research interests are physics of fluids, two phase flow, lab-on-a-chip systems and nonlinear microfluidics. He is the recipient of 2022 University of Oulu Research Achievements Award, 2019 Young Scientist Award from Bilim Kahramanlari Dernegi and 2019 BAGEP Young Scientist award.