Alberto Escarpa

University of Alcalá, Madrid, Spain

Talk Title: 3D printed and paper-based electrochemical microfluidic devices for clinical diagnostics

Dr. Alberto Escarpa is a Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the University of Alcalá (UAH). He is the leader and founder (in 2003) of the “Analytical Miniaturization and Nanotechnology” (MINYNANOTECH) research group. His main research interests are designing and developing nanomaterials-based (bio)sensors, electrochemical microfluidics, lab-(organ)-on-a-chip technologies, and artificial micromotors.

He has co-authored more than 200 articles in leading international peer-review journals, 6 patents, and 13 book chapters, yielding an h-index of 55 (WoS). He has recently been included in the top 2% (1% position in the ranking) of most cited chemists worldwide by Stanford University (2020-23).

He has received several awards such as the NATO Fellowship to perform postdoctoral research at the New Mexico State University (USA) in 2001, the “Young Investigator Award” by the University of Alcalá in 2003, the International Dropsens Award for “Best Research Work in applied electroanalytical chemistry” (finalist) in 2015 and Spanish Royal Society of Chemistry Award for Research Excellence 2024.

His works have been highlighted several times in journals such as Angewandte Chemie International Edition and Chemical Science. Eur. J. Nanoscale, Lab on a Chip or Analytical Chemistry, and social media (Chemical World, RSC; Separations Now, Wiley and C&EN news ACS, Nanowerk). He has edited and authored several books including “Miniaturization of Analytical Systems: principles, designs, and applications” (Wiley, 2009), “Food Electroanalysis” (2015, Wiley), and “Carbon-based Nanomaterials in Analytical Chemistry” (RSC, 2018).

He is a member of the Editorial Board of Analytical Chemistry, Analysis & Sensing, Applied Materials Today, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, and Electrophoresis. He has been Associate Editor for RSC Advances (2015-2019) and Associate Editor (2018-2019) for Microchimica Acta. Since 2019, he has been Editor in Chief for Microchimica Acta. He has given about 50 invited lectures at the most prestigious micro and analytical nanotechnologies forums. He served as a visiting professor in international Universities and research centers such as the University of California San Diego (USA) and the International Center for Young Scientists in the National Institute for Materials Science (Tsukuba, Japan). He has also been a visiting professor at Buenos Aires University. He is currently a scientific partner at Nanorobots Research Center (Prague, CR) and a visiting professor at Prince of Songkhla University (Thailand). Prof. Escarpa is also a member of the Collegium of the Ph.D. in Food Science at Teramo University (Italy). He has also supervised 23 Doctoral Thesis (16 with International Mention) with 24 awards and honors (12 Extraordinary Awards, 6 Awards for the Best Thesis in Chemistry of the RSEQ-STM, 1 Lilly-RSEQ 2020, 1 National Award for the best Thesis of Health Sciences of Funcas, 4 Award for the Best Thesis of the Society of Condueños). The “Excellence Award in Doctoral Thesis Supervision of Sciences in 2021” award has recognized such excellent mentoring activity at the University of Alcalá.

From 2018 to 2023, he was a collaborator of the Spanish State Research Agency, CTQ (Chemistry) area of the Coordination, Evaluation, and Technical Scientific Monitoring Division.